Monday, January 13, 2014

Jars and More Jars!

Tonight I sold 20 jars and 20 zinc lids to one lady. Then a few minutes later I sold 5 jars to another. In the meantime I had a lady that had asked me about 30 jars a few weeks ago get ahold of me and we worked out a deal on those so I put up a listing for her! She says she won't be able to pay until tomorrow or Wednesday so I'm not quite counting those chickens yet but it will sure help if it goes through!
5 Ball Jars
Paid $5.00 Sold for $32.50 - Profit $26.77

20 Ball Jars AND 20 Zinc Lids
Paid $20.00 - Sold for $145.00 - Profit $107.50
Didn't get anything new listed today. Didn't get any painting done today either. I did take my oldest daughter into town so she could get her oil changed and we went to the bank and the post office. Was going to go to Goodwill but they had some kind of meeting or something this morning and weren't going to open until 1:00! Then I went to Dollar Tree for shipping supplies and went to Aldi for milk, bread and eggs! When I got home I relaxed for a bit and then started the laundry, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned up our bedroom and bathroom, made some homemade 30 minute dinner rolls and heated up some homemade chicken soup that I made the other day. After we ate supper I didn't accomplish much of anything! If I could have kept on a roll I could have gotten a lot done! I've been fighting a cold the past few days though so I don't have a whole lot of gumption!
So, I guess I will be washing lots of jars the next couple of days! :) And...hopefully working some in the kitchen too....maybe I'll wash a few jars, let some soak, paint a little bit, wash some jars, let some soak, paint a little more....
Thanks for stopping by!