Monday, December 30, 2013

Scrabble Boards and Lace

I woke up to a nice little "ca-ching" sound this morning and then heard it again a few hours later! I sold 6 Scrabble boards, which I have already figured in the cost of when I sell the Scrabble tiles so I count these as "Free"! When I put down my profit, remember that I have added in my shipping charge and then subtracted any fees, packaging costs, the cost of the item and the actual shipping cost.
6 Scrabble Boards
Paid FREE - Sold for $12.00 - Profit $10.09
I've had these packages of seam binding, rick rack, lace and such for ages. I've picked them up here and there at sales. Not sure what my total cost for them would be but not a whole lot. I'll figure $2.00 just for figurings sake. These were all unopened packages. I made a tidy little profit! I have quite a bit more that have been opened that I need to get listed.

86 Packages of Seam Binding, Hem Tape, Lace, Piping
Paid $2.00? - Sold for $29.95 - Profit $23.60
One of my sisters gave me a few things she found while out thrifting (thanks Naomi!)...things to either keep or try to sell. One item is something really unique. I'm going to take a picture and I'll post it here tomorrow to see if anyone knows if it's worth something so please come back! ~~Pam


  1. That is a great profit on the sewing supplies! I have a small amount of those that I picked up at a few sales during the year but I am holding onto them until I get enough to make it worth while to list.
    How did your husband make out with the job interview he had a couple weeks ago?

    1. He had a good interview but we haven't heard anything yet. I'm thinking maybe after the first of the year...I'm hoping! ~~Pam

  2. I was just telling my hubby how people buy just the game boards. I thought it would be neat to decorate a craft room or a rec room with all different kinds of game boards attached to the wall. I have to start picking some games up at yard sales. I usually pass them buy thinking they're too bulky to ship, but selling the pieces separately is a good idea.

    1. It would be neat to use them to decorate a game/rec room! The Scrabble boards were easy enough to mail out...6 fit in the Scrabble box and I just wrapped it up in paper and printed out the postage. The cost to mail them is a setback though. It cost $8.05 to ship them just to Indiana and I'm in Iowa so not even that far! ~~Pam

  3. Loving that fabric. Easy to ship too, which is always a plus! ....Dude!

    1. Yes, I love stuff that's easy to ship! So much better than getting jars ready to go....but not quite as profitable! Thanks for your comment! ~~Pam

  4. Nice flips, Pam. I'm collecting game boards to sell, too!

    1. Thank you! I hope you have success selling them! ~~Pam
