I am facing a dilemma....I bought the bottom set of hot rollers a couple of weeks ago to resell. I use hot rollers. My hot rollers are the top set. They are a hundred years old....at least! I would like to just keep the new set for myself. The new set is nice but there is one thing against it....it doesn't have all the clips with it! It is missing the clips for the smaller rollers. If it had all the clips I wouldn't even think about keeping them. I know I can sell them even without the clips. I don't have enough clips with my old hot roller set. It would be nice to have more clips...I would have my old clips plus the new clips so I would probably have plenty of clips! And I would have a nice new set of rollers! But then again, I can make do with the old rollers and my few clips because we could really use the money right now! See the hard choice I have to make! :) I will probably go ahead and sell the new set. I paid $4.38 for them at Goodwill. I can probably sell them for $15. I've sold 2 sets of hot rollers in the past couple of months. I made $9.05 clear on one set and $13.19 on the other. I'd love to find a set of the Remington Tight Curls hot rollers. They go for pretty good on Ebay! When you stopped by I bet you never thought you'd hear so much about hot rollers and clips, did you?
I did sell a shirt today!
Paid $1.00 Sold for $6.95 plus $6.23 Shipping Profit $4.17 after fees
Didn't make a bundle on it but I've had it listed for quite awhile so it was good to see it go. I still have quite a few shirts to list....need to get on that!
Well, my daughter and I are going on an outing tomorrow! She wants to take me to lunch in the big city! I'm hoping we can find a stray yard sale or two along the way! If not there is always Goodwill! Thanks for stopping by! ~~Pam