Milk Glass Hobnail Lamp
Paid $3.38 - Sold for $14.95 - Profit $12.05
This is what I sold yesterday. I listed it about a week ago and it was still sitting on my desk! Glad to get that off! I still need to get it packaged up today. Yesterday I got my 20 jar order ready and shipped plus a 5 jar order and the wooden spools that I sold. I had a lady order 8 pint size jars but she hasn't actually gone through the payment process yet and neither has the one who wants 30 jars. I'm hoping they pay today as I'd like to get the jars out of my den plus I'd like need to pay a couple of bills today!
So, we have been fiddling around on this kitchen long enough and today I'm hoping to make a big dent in the "to-do" list for it. If my 19 year old son Sam can get the rest of the cupboard doors hung and if I can get my list done, then it'll be pretty much finished! Trouble is, my list is pretty long and I need to have most of it done by 5:00 this afternoon! So, to keep myself accountable, I will post my list here and cross it off as I go! That'll give me an incentive to get it done! I've already got my shower so I'm raring to go.....ha!
Basic Stuff:
Read Bible read Leviticus ch. 20, 21 and Matthew ch. 28
clean up laundry room and start laundry 2nd load in, 3rd load in, last load in
clean up boys bathroom
clean up our bed and bath
get lamp order ready also got a tea towel order ready to mail out
have one of the kids mail it out
clean up my den (office) so the floor is fairly noticeable!
cut Gideons hair (my 12 year old)
finish laundry all folded, hung and put away! ( a rare occurance!)
Kitchen Stuff:
clean out fridge
move out fridge and paint behind
paint back of cupboards that face the family room
paint window side of kitchen above cupboards
put up beadboard wallpaper between top & bottom cupboards on fridge side - finished on 1/18
put up beadboard wallpaper on stove side
paint the beadboard wallpaper
I'm posting this at 8:15 this morning.
If I can get all that done it'll be a miracle! Stay tuned! ~~Pam
p.s. While I take little breaks throughout the day I'm going to try to list a few things as I've been lax on that goal the past few days. Here's what I've listed so far: